Thursday, January 5, 2012

NEW Years 2011

So...Christmas at the Lee household was very Merry.  We enjoyed lots of family time and friends, etc.  However, we had a quick change of direction of enjoyment the week after.  Drake got croup!!:(  This was his third time having it in a year and a half.  I had read for hours and hours about croup on the internet, when he first got it...scared to death!!  But his first two bouts with it just didn't measure up to all the hype I had heard and or read about.  Sadly, this time was not so lucky.  He had it really bad!!  Croup is a viral infection, that they can't give you anything for, so there is no point in going to the doctor and paying $30 and hearing so.  Well, it got so bad that it became worth it for me to load him up and head to Dr. Towns, at least for him to put me at ease.  I spent 2.25 hours outside bouncing Drake like a baby, rocking back and forth to calm his bronchial tubes down, as well as another hour with the freezer door opened.  I was soooo exhausted, I guess I simply made it through the days by the grace of GOD!  Anyways, Dr. T was out, so we had to see Hunke (he's alright)  he gave us an antibiotic and steroid because Drake's condition was so bad! He was a much better child within 24 hours.  But he still didn't stop that darn cough for days...Needless to stay our New Years was very mellow.  We cooked out and stayed in playing Kinect, eating ice cream, bowling (Drake style)  we had a great night!  New Years day we started our day in the best place on earth...Cowboy Church of ellis county!!

HAPPY New Year everyone!!

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