Sooo...we had a wonderful weekend here at the Lee household. Well, I thought it was wonderful. Jason might beg to differ. We had a garage sale!!!! Sold some stuff and what ever was left we took straight to the manna house, here in midlothian and donated it. We free'd up sooo much wonderful, much needed space. I guess seeing all that free space and just knowing that it was all gone kicked me in to high gear for cleaning and organizing this house. Saturday after the sale we all took a little nap and then went swimming and my sis n laws. It started thundering as the storms were rolling in. Our swim got cut really short. We came home, cooked dinner and it was still storming. Generally we take this evening time and spend it walking the neighborhood, or playing outside. I decided to CLEAN!!! I was going through everything in this house!!!! Jason was like "oh no, I remember you doing this when you were pregnant with Drake!!" I don't know if it was truly nesting...or just simply bored and on the cleaning kick! It definitely rolled into sunday afternoon. By Sunday evening, I was sitting back reflecting on how much we had accomplished and I felt pretty darn good about it. Jason, just rolled his eyes, as I was marveling over all the things I had done:)
Here are some pictures of Drake playing with his Mickey transportation collection! He had to throw buzz and woody in too! He's such a cutie...we raced these cars and planes back and forth in the mud room for an hour!
Makes my days just soo much brighter seeing this cute little cheesy grin! Full of love and personality!
8 w/ ViaVersion, will advise this specific plugin finished other folks.