Tuesday, June 26, 2012

"Does heaven have tools?"

Here we are, June 26! WOW!!  And it's HOT!!!  This past weekend we enjoyed a GREAT family day at the Ranch with the in-laws.  We fished, shopped at a local store favorite (yes, in corsicana!) swam in the tank, cooked out and enjoyed a delicious watermelon!  It was Drake's first time to have watermelon and he LOVED it!! 

We started swim lessons on Monday, well Drake started swim lessons.  He is sure not afraid of going under!  The teacher told me at the end, "he's not scared of much, huh? He's just scary." I laughed...what else could I do!? It's sure true.  Drake has definitely come completely out of his shell and just explores things, before thinking of the end result.  I must admit that I am proud though, that at least he's trying things.  

Every morning, well every day for that matter I try to talk to Drake about God and all the many blessings we have to thank him for.  I started this 31 ways to pray with your toddler...its a skeleton, where I can pull from what I think Drake will or wont grasp.  I usually end up talking way more and explaining far too deep into it because he just probes me for more information.  Today was heaven and we were in the car talking about going to heaven, etc.  Drake was very quietly listening, I could see the wheels turning in his head through the rear mirror.  He interrupted me kindly and asked; "MOM!  Does heaven have tools, to play with!?" Mercy me...I couldn't help but giggle.  "yes, Drake they do and you can play with them." Drake: "Oh, with Jesus too!?!?"  Yes, of course with Jesus! 

Well folks...hope everyone is having a wonderful summer!!  I can't believe the 4th of JULY is next week!?  I'm ready to take Drake to see the fireworks!!!

Cheese, just because!

"YUMMY, to my TUMMY!!"

Day one of swim lessons!!

Day two!!

I love his sweet smile!!!!!:)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summer LOVIN'

Well...well, we meet again. This means, I have finally found time to do a little uploading of photos.  SUMMER...wow, it's really hard to believe; isn't it?!  It sure does feel like it outside, right!!??  Drake and I have spent LOTS of time on his new "park" in our backyard, aka the swing set.  He is absolutely in LOOOVE with it.  When it got delivered to the house, he thanked the delivery truck driver unconditionally.  Then, when J arrived home from work (all day) he promptly addressed the fact that it only required screws and a hammer for proper assembly.  Jason and I looked at one another and simply couldn't hold back, we laughed soooo hard!  He's such a smart little guy...makes us sooo PROUD!

This week, Drake and I are at VBS at hillcrest.  We are having such a great time!  I have been blessed to be his teacher this year and BOY let me tell you, I have a WHOLE new respect for Drake's teachers in the past.  HE IS A MESS!  I mean, he has good manners, goes to the bathroom and cleans up his messes but lord have mercy, I thought he was busy at home...WOWEE!!!

Here are pictures showing what we've been up to!

Ice cream time...every night, after bath time!

our PARK!!!

Such a cutie pa tootie!!

Drake's taking pictures all the time!

Daddy eating his ice cream!

Making a bed in the living room:)  Wishing he'd let us to allow for him to sleep here!

Drake's newest request, EVERY morning!!  

What we have honestly been doing...!

Took D bowling for the first time...he LOOOVED it!

COOL kid on the BLOCK!  Heck in the city! hee hee:)