OKAY...so I have aloud myself to fall short of what I wanted to accomplish with my blog. I set out to use it as a daily to weekly, family journal. I started off GREAT(frosted flakes, tiger voice) but I have since dwindled. So, I have now decided that I am just going to do it when I can.
WE had such a fabulous Easter weekend. Clinton(UB) came in town with his little girlfriend Megan. They are too cute for words, I am so proud they have found one another! We had a cookout at our casa...enjoyed some muy deliciouso food, followed by of course a scrumptious dessert. I absolutely LOOOVE dessert. And we just hung out, the Rangers game was one, so we all know what Dad and Clinton were doing! hee hee
Drake was yelling at him; "UB,YOU NEED YOUR HELMET!!!"
My Daddy!
These men in my life, wont take their glasses off FOR nothing!
This little one right here, stole my WHOLE heart!!!
The HUBS!!
Easter morning finds!
Drake, Zaine and Braeden hunted LOTS of eggs!
I absolutely LOVED Drake's enthusiasm, after each egg find!
Zaine, Stone, Drake and Braeden...cute BOYS!
Family...gotta LOVE 'em!
El Niño Y Tu Pilin